The City Council commemorates the 70th anniversary of the death of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo with a conference on her biography and work.

The conference will be held on Wednesday, February 21, at 19:00 pm, at the Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, and will be given by Rocio Garin, professor of the Drawing and Painting Workshop of the municipal delegation of Culture. Access will be free, until full capacity.
The Estepona City Council informs that next Wednesday, February 21, at 19:00 hours, a conference on Frida Kahlo will be held at the Padre Manuel Cultural Center, in which a tribute will be paid to the figure and legacy of this Mexican painter, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of her death, on July 13, 1954, in Coyoacan, Mexico City.
The talk will be given by the teacher of the Drawing and Painting Workshop of the Municipal Delegation of Culture, Rocio Garin, who will make a journey through the life and work of Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon, known as Frida Kahlo, whose work revolves thematically around her biography and her own suffering. She was the author of 150 works, mainly self-portraits (Frida is the subject and object of her painting), in which she projected her difficulties to survive, since she had to overcome many prejudices and barriers.
The activity, with free admission until full capacity is reached, is open to the public of all ages, and aims to promote interest in the visual arts.
Rocío Garín. Since she was very young, the artist from Estepona Rocio Garin (1977) has enjoyed ‘drawing and painting’, an interest that led her to study at the School of Arts and Crafts in Algeciras and, later, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville, where she graduated in 2001. She quickly began working as a restorer of some of the most significant monuments in Seville, as well as church façades in the capital of Seville.
Since her return to Estepona in 2002, she has been teaching drawing and painting, an activity that she combines with three aspects of her artistic facet: as a researcher, as an artist, and as a teacher, she has developed different teaching methods.
In 2013 she published a “Manual de Dibujo y Pintura” (Drawing and Painting Manual), in which she collects the main techniques and tools to take into account in the first year of students’ training.