Six young musicians begin their training period as scholarship holders in the Banda Municipal de Música.

The interpreters will be able to rehearse and gain experience during the period from May to October 2024.
The Estepona Town Hall announced the six training scholarships for a total amount of 9,000 euros.
The Estepona City Council informs that six young musicians between 16 and 24 years old have started a theoretical-practical musical training program, as scholarship holders in the Municipal Band of Estepona. For this purpose, the City Council announced six scholarships, which have been awarded through a competitive process, and taking into consideration the requirements of training and experience required in the call.
Based on this, the Consistory will allocate this year an item of 9,000 euros in these scholarships for these young musicians to train as performers for a maximum period of six months, between May and October 2024. The training activities to be developed by the scholarship holders are the following: piccolo, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet and flugelhorn.
The students will have a theoretical-practical training schedule of six hours a week, divided into two-hour collective training sessions, three days a week, in the rehearsals of the Municipal Band. This training project, which was launched in 2020, offers the trainees both theoretical and practical classes and the opportunity to perform in concerts with the Municipal Band.
The Municipal Band of Estepona is one of the oldest band formations in our country. It was founded in 1940 and since then has been performing continuously in the city. For this reason, the Plenary Session of the Estepona City Council awarded it the Gold Medal of the City, stating that the municipal band “is the maximum exponent of the musical and traditional cultural heritage of the popular feeling of the city”.
The concerts they offer during the summer season have become one of the most deeply rooted cultural events in the municipality.