Collective Exhibition of Watercolorists ‘Bahía Dorada- El Paraíso’at Casa de Las Tejerinas

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday, August 21, at 6:00 pm, and can be visited until August 2, with free access.
The Estepona Town Hall informs that Room 1 of Casa de Las Tejerinas, located in the Plaza de las Flores, will host from next Thursday, July 20, the Collective Exhibition of Watercolorists “Bahía Dorada-El Paraíso”, a group that shares an interest in personal research on the watercolor technique, whose inauguration will take place on Friday 21, at 18:00 hours.
In this exhibition, which consists of 43 works of medium and large format, a sample of the work done in the last two years by 11 artists of this collective (Eva Risinger, Jens Bat, Lisa Bright, Agnete Linchardt, Billy Ryan, Marian McGough, Paola, Evelyn Ritchie, Cati Mateos, José Miguel Andrés and Alfonso Hervás Cárdenas) is presented. As those in charge of directing the activity, and due to their training in drawing, in Technical Architecture and Fine Arts, and in watercolor, from a self-taught work, later expanded in different courses held at the Escuela Libre de Artes Plásticas de Priego de Córdoba, the proposal tries to know current references in the world of watercolor, analyzing their work, to deepen the execution and find solutions to technical problems.
Although copying paintings does not have a ‘good press’, a figure as renowned as Picasso, in his formative years, does so, taking as a starting point the great masters of painting. Later, Françoise Gilot will refer to how the artists around him were displeased because, when visiting their workshops, Picasso repeated that if there was something to steal, he would steal it. They thought that if he perceived something interesting in their work, he would steal it and incorporate it into his work with a mastery that would make it seem as if they were the copyists.
The exhibition can be visited until August 2, from Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 to 20:00 hours, and Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 hours, with free access.