Infrastructure: Work on the drinking water reservoir is progressing

Work on the new drinking water reservoir in the Las Mesas area is halfway complete, according to the city. The drinking water reservoir will have a total capacity of 15,000 cubic metres. It will consist of two reservoirs, each capable of holding 7,500 cubic metres of water.
The work, which has been underway since the beginning of January 2022, is being carried out by the company Hidralia. It is expected that 270 tonnes of steel and 5,000 cubic metres of concrete will be consumed during the works.
The construction of the drinking water reservoir costs around 3.7 million euros. It is part of the master plan for a better water supply in Estepona. Until 2030, works worth 22.7 million euros are to be carried out on the water network to guarantee the supply in the entire municipal area.
Source: Ayuntamiento Estepona