Juan Herrera, creator of El Hormiguero, will participate in a meeting at Mirador del Carmen on May 23rd.

Journalist Francisco Reyero will moderate the event, which will be free of charge and will start at 8:00 p.m.
The Estepona City Council informs that the writer and scriptwriter Juan Herrera, creator of successful television formats such as El Hormiguero or Humor Amarillo, will participate next Thursday, May 23 in a meeting at the Mirador del Carmen. The event, which will be moderated by the journalist Francisco Reyero, will begin at 20.00 hours and will have free admission until full capacity is reached.
Juan Herrera has spent more than five decades writing and presenting entertainment formats both on radio and television. In the meeting he will narrate his experiences as a creator and collaborator in the implementation of countless successful projects, such as Jack el Despertador, the first humorous morning show on Spanish radio, on the emblematic Radio3; La radio de Julia or No somos nadie. In theater, plays such as 5Hombres.com, 5Mujeres.com and La vida según Francisco stand out. In television, in addition to Humor Amarillo and El Hormiguero -where he is still working-, he also participated in the creation of El club de la comedia, among others.
On May 23 he will be at the Mirador del Carmen in Estepona to talk about his professional career and also present his new novel, De vuelo en vuelo (AdN Editorial. Grupo Anaya, 2024), a portrait as casual as it is intimate of the masters who have influenced him. “After his admission to a nursing home, a lively and dissatisfied man refuses to accept his fate and rejects all the routines they try to impose on him except one: writing his memories in a notebook offered to him by a young nurse, Beatriz”.