The City Council opens the deadline for the contest for the best ‘Cruces de Mayo Estepona’25’.

Registration will be open from March 18 to April 12. The jury will choose the seven best Crosses on May 1, with prizes ranging from 300 to 1,000 euros.
The City Council of Estepona reports that, on the occasion of the celebration of the festival of the Crosses of May, the delegation of Fiestas has organized the traditional popular contest in which the beauty of these altars will be awarded.
The location of the crosses will be made, in order of registration, in the spaces designated by the delegation of Festivities, although there may not be more than one cross in the same square or street, or at a distance of less than 200 meters between them.
Those interested in participating can consult the bases on the Notice Board of the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council and download Annex I at the end of the same. Entries may be delivered completed in the City Hall Entry Register, addressed to the municipal delegation of Festivals, until April 12, 2025.
In this new edition has been convened a single category for the best cross in streets or squares. The delegation of Fiestas has established the following prizes: 1,000 euros for the first prize, 750 euros for the second and 500 euros for the third. The last four classified will receive 300 euros each.
The jury will value the beauty of the Cross, the ornamentation of the place where it is installed, the appropriateness to the tradition, and the craftsmanship and details used in the set.
The visit of the jury to the Crosses will be held on the same day of the celebration of the festival, Thursday May 1, from 12.00 noon without notice.
Once visited the crosses submitted to the contest, the jury will issue the ruling, after deliberation of its members.