The City Council announces the XXV Provincial Contest of ‘Letters Written by a Woman’.

The competition is open to all women over 16 years of age residing in the province of Malaga. The deadline for submitting the works will remain open until June 30.
The deputy mayor of the Sociocultural area, Paula Herrera, and the councilor attached to the delegation of Women, Julia Simon, have reported today that until June 30 will remain open the deadline to participate in the XXV Contest ‘Letters Written by a Woman’, related to issues conducive to Equality.
Herrera recalled that this literary contest was born with the aim of promoting literary culture and strengthen the participation of women in all literary genres.
All women over 16 years of age residing in the province of Malaga may compete. Each author may compete with only one work, which will be identified with a pseudonym and will always have equality as a theme. It has established a first prize of 300 euros and a second prize of 150 euros.
For her part, Julia Simón explained that the letters must be written in Spanish, be original and unpublished, and may be addressed to persons or personified objects, real or imaginary. They must have a maximum length of two pages typed double-spaced or handwritten in legible handwriting and on one side only, and must be titled.
Participants will have different options for submitting their work. They can do it through the Electronic Office of the City Council of Estepona: in the procedure ‘Contest of letters written by a woman’, or through the General Entry Register of the City Council or any other public body. DIR3:101290516.
The jury in charge of selecting the best works will be formed by the Councilor for Women and Youth, Julia Simón or councilor to whom she delegates; and two members appointed by the Councilor, acting as secretary an employee of the municipal delegation of Women, who will assess the literary quality of the letters, their approach to Equality, and creativity and originality.
The winning entries will remain in the possession of the City of Estepona, which reserves the right to publish the letters that, in his opinion, have been finalists.
The rules can be consulted on the notice board of the Town Hall. For more information, those interested can contact the Municipal Center for Women’s Information, Tel: 952804704