A total of 2,494 people pre-registered for the 2024/2025 Municipal Sports Schools.

The courses will be held from September 16, 2024 to mid-June 2025 in both Estepona and Cancelada. Registrations can be made from August 26 to September 2. Those who have NOT pre-registered can do so from September 9th.
Estepona City Council reports that a total of 2,494 people have pre-registered to participate in the activities of the Municipal Sports Schools for the 2024/25 Course, which will run from September 16, 2024 until mid-June 2025.
The councilman attached to the delegation of Sport, Luis Miguel Gil Amores, explained that, after the deadline for pre-registration, has proceeded to make the draw to establish the final order of registration to participate in any of the sports activities scheduled by the Municipal Sports Area, both in Estepona and Cancelada.
The registration period will be from August 26 to September 2. You will be able to pay (TELEMATIC) your registration in order of preference as determined by the draw on the page www.reservapista.estepona.es.
The programmed activities are: Physical Activity for Seniors, Chess, Athletics, Handball, Adapted Sports, Stretching, Soccer, GAP (Gluteus, Abdominals and Legs), Maintenance Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Judo, Karate, Multisport, Pilates, Psychomotricity, Step and Indirect Management Schools (Badminton, Tennis, Paddle, Basketball…).
People NOT pre-registered may do so from September 9, in order of call, in the delegation of Sport.
More information in the delegation of Sport, in the Tfno. 952 80 24 44 44, or in the page www.deportes.estepona.es