Nearly a hundred neighbors will represent ‘The Passion, according to Estepona’ in the streets of the old town

The staging of the Passion of Christ will take place next Saturday, March 30, from 18.00 hours. It will begin in the Plaza San Francisco with the Last Supper and will end in the Botanical-Orchidarium Park with the Crucifixion.
The deputy mayor of the Sociocultural area, Paula Herrera; the councilor attached to the delegation of Culture and Festivals, Macarena Diánez; the assistant director of the event, Miguel López Ramírez; and the representative of the Friends of the Passion Association, Teresa García, today presented a new edition of ‘The Passion, according to Estepona’ which will take place next Saturday, March 30.
In this staging of the Passion of Christ, which has been represented by the streets of the old town since 2014, involving about a hundred people between amateur actors and technicians.
The representation will start from 18.00 hours, the itinerary being as follows: Plaza San Francisco (the Last Supper), C/ Blas Ortega, Plaza Manuel Alcántara (Oración del Huerto), C/ Caravaca, Plaza del Reloj (Palacio de Caifás), Plaza Augusto Suárez de Figueroa (Palacio de Herodes), C/ Viento, Plaza Blas Infante (Palacio de Pilatos), C/ Santa Ana, C/ Real (Primera Caída), C/ Terraza (Segunda y Tercera Caídas) and Parque Botánico-Orquidario (Crucifixion).