The Estepona City Council will carry out more than fifty improvement actions in educational centers during the summer period.

In addition to the usual maintenance work, larger works are carried out, such as the installation of awnings, the fencing of the sports track at CEIP Sierra Bermeja, the installation of bleachers at CEIP Ramón García or the movement of partition walls in several centers.
The City Council of Estepona is running, one more year, the plan for improvement, maintenance and conservation of schools in the municipality taking advantage of the summer non-school period. In total, it is initially planned to carry out more than fifty actions that will be completed by the beginning of next year.
The City Council thus responds to the needs raised from the various schools, prioritizing those interventions that require greater speed, although all will be taken into account.
Thus, work is being carried out in the 13 public schools in the city, in the Adult Center and in the five municipal nursery schools.
Among the main actions being undertaken by the municipal operational brigades is the installation of fencing in the area of the sports court of CEIP Sierra Bermeja; the installation of bleachers in the sports court of CEIP Ramón García, where work will also be carried out to adapt the entire rear exit of the main building with the entrance of Infants due to the existence of several steps; the change of toilets and urinals system of Infants of CEIP Ramón Lago; or the placement of wooden flooring in the orange classroom of the Infant School Cancelada.
Also, with the aim of providing new shaded areas, the installation of pergolas will be undertaken in the Gloria Fuertes Nursery School, in the CEIP María Espinosa, in the CEIP Ramón García, and in the CEIP Isdabe del Mar. In addition, awnings will be placed in the schools Los Pitufos and Calancha.
These are some examples of the work that will be executed these days and are planned during the summer period, thus avoiding inconvenience to the educational community. Among them are also the removal of two partitions in the CEIP Antonio Machado; the construction of a partition to separate a classroom in the CEIP Santo Tomás de Aquino; the enclosure with two partitions and a door of a corridor in the outdoor bathroom area of the first cycle playground in the CEIP Victor de la Serna; or the installation of a network system in the wall adjacent to the clean point in the CEIP Valeriano Lopez, among many others.
Through these works, maintenance tasks will be carried out in all the centers, which have to do with the repair or preservation of furniture, locksmith work, carpentry, plumbing or painting in classrooms or common areas, as well as the conservation of electrical and fire prevention installations. Likewise, all the gardening will be repaired during the second half of August so that it will be in perfect condition for the beginning of the school year.
This action plan, which began once the school year ended, is part of the work of comprehensive maintenance of schools carried out by the Consistory throughout the year, reaching over a thousand actions.